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Earthquake shakes Toronto

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A trembling earthquake measuring 5.0 on the moment magnitude scale earthquake struck the Ontario-Quebec border around 1:41 p.m. Wednesday, sending people scurrying out of office buildings.
The epicentre of the quake was Val-des-Bois, Quebec - about 70 km north of Ottawa, reported Sylvia Hayek, seismologist with Natural Resources Canada. The 30-second quake, she added, wasn't strong enough to cause any real damage.

"At 5.0 you wouldn't expect anything expect for maybe minor damage, but you're kind of on the threshold of causing damage. Now, the caveat to that is that soil conditions can accentuate the shaking sometimes or the structure itself, but in general you would just things falling off shelves," she said.

An initial assessment by City of Toronto officials reported no major damage to city infrastructure, but further investigations are planned. No injuries have been reported.

While the Ottawa region was hardest hit by reverberations, people all across Toronto reported feeling the floor shake and windows rattle, and quickly took to the Twitterverse to report their experiences - many finding humour in the situation.

CBC funnyman Rick Mercer reported he was in Toronto Danforth when he felt the tremors: "I blame Jack Layton," he wrote.

Another, now infamous tweet, reported an impending tsunami warning at the G20 fake lake.

Here in north Etobicoke, Leslie Duff, who works in an office building reported a minor shake: "It shook a little bit. It was more like rattling," she said shortly after the earthquake.

While many people in Toronto are still in shock over feeling their first earthquake, Hayek said this isn't the first time seismic activity has been felt in the region.

"In the west Quebec region, right from Timiskaming right along the Ottawa Valley - past Ottawa all the way to Montreal and into the States - there's this band of slightly enhanced seismicity where we have seen larger events in the past, the largest being in 1935," she said. "That was a magnitude 6.2 that did cause damage...and it was definitely felt in Toronto."

More recently, Hayek said Torontonians experienced some tremors radiating from a moderate Pennsylvania quake in September 1998. She said the Lake Ontario Region also produces some smaller activity occasionally, but that it's often not large enough to be felt.

"This is the perfect set up for us, because it reminds everybody that yes there are earthquakes in eastern Canada," Hayek said. "They don't happen very often, but we should still be prepared."

So far, Natural Resources Canada has reported at least 15 aftershocks large enough to trigger their autolocation system, she added: "There's probably been tons smaller ones as well that we'll see when we have time to sit down and look at the data...some won't have been felt at all, but the rest of them will probably just be felt in the region around the epicentre."

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported the quake ran 18 kilometres deep and was felt across much of southern Ontario.
轻抚 yin_qcyl狗头,笑而不语。

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评论 5

meihuanggui  贵宾  发表于 2010-6-23 18:51:45 | 显示全部楼层
今天下午1点50分左右,多伦多市中心发生有感地震,在 Bloor 夹 Yonge St一座大厦上班的卡特(Alex Carter)表示,他感觉大楼在摇晃。

在渥太华,十几名在国会山(Parliament Hill)对面国家新闻大楼(National Press Building)上班的职员匆忙跑出办公室来到大街上,不少公务员逃离办公楼。据悉,地震持续了30秒左右,但目前有关部门尚未证实。

环球邮报的消息说,根据美国地质调查局(U.S. Geological Survey)发布的消息,地震震中在魁北克,即首都渥太华北面 61 公里处,发生时间为东部时间今天下午 1:41,测定震级为里氏5.5级。


联邦环境部长潘迪斯(Jim Prentice)说,地震发生时他正在世界交易广场(World Exchange Plaza)大楼的14层为 CTV电视台制作采访节目,他说突然感觉到椅子在移动(my chair was moving),随后还开玩笑说,所幸安然无恙。


有人利用推特网(Twitter )从美国发来信息,美国麻州(Mass)的 Springfield、密西根州的 Traverse City据报也感觉到地震。1名环球邮报的记者从满地可发来信息说,那里也有感觉

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#4.  贵宾  发表于 2010-6-23 19:02:22 | 显示全部楼层
!   作为[双子座] 挺好的  

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#4.  贵宾  发表于 2010-6-23 19:02:30 | 显示全部楼层
!   作为[双子座] 挺好的  

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jonnyzhong  曼省名人  发表于 2010-6-23 23:56:04 | 显示全部楼层

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qianyibo1234  贵宾  发表于 2010-6-24 14:37:57 | 显示全部楼层

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