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Irina Lazareanu Strange Places

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shuzi1314  禁止发言  发表于 2009-3-5 01:05:22 | 显示全部楼层
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shuzi1314  禁止发言  发表于 2009-3-5 01:09:02 | 显示全部楼层
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amanda  曼省名人  发表于 2009-3-5 01:11:42 | 显示全部楼层
她 ! 是我的偶像~ 从歌手 到 超模 ~!


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shuzi1314  禁止发言  发表于 2009-3-5 01:21:38 | 显示全部楼层
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amanda  曼省名人  发表于 2009-3-5 01:22:36 | 显示全部楼层
Irina LazareanuIrina
  Irina Lazareanu is a Canadian model. Romanian-born Lazareanu got her ‘big break’ through her acquaintance with supermodel Kate Moss.
  Born: 08 June 1982
  Where: Romania
  Height: 176 cm
  Bust: 78 cm
  Waist: 58 cm
  Hips: 86 cm
[编辑本段]Early life
  At age 5 Lazareanu emigrated to Canada from Romania, settling into the Montreal suburb of Saint-Hubert, Quebec with her Romanian parents. At the age of 13 she moved to London to study ballet until she was derailed by a broken knee. She met Pete Doherty at the age of 15 and became something of a muse for the musician, whom she later dated briefly and was engaged to.
[编辑本段]Modeling career
  At age 17 Lazareanu attended an open call and signed with Giovanni modelling agency in Montreal with the hopes that it would help pay rent. From then on she did the usual rounds of London and Paris, occasionally appearing in Barcelona, Australia and Madrid fashion weeks. It wasn\'t until she was chosen by acquaintance Kate Moss to model for the December/January issue of Vogue: Paris, which she guest edited that Lazareanu received notice by fashionistas. Lazareanu has since become an increasingly popular fashion model, breaking the record for most runway work in one season.
  She has modeled for many top designers, including Chanel, Balenciaga, Alexander McQueen, Anna Sui, Lanvin, Versace, and many more. She is affiliated with the modeling agencies Marilyn (New York and Paris), Why Not Models (Milan), Select Model Management (London), and Giovanni (Montreal). In March 2007, Lazareanu was chosen by Kate Moss as the model for her new Topshop clothing range.
[编辑本段]Personal style
  Lazareanu is known for her quirky, vintage-inspired style - which has arguably contributed to the rise of her modelling career. When asked about her style, Lazareanu says: \"I’m very influenced by the whole 1960s–1970s London era, not only in terms of my clothes but also in terms of the music I listen to, the movies I watch, the writers I read. Those influences probably translates into my personal style in an unconscious way.\"
  Michelle McCool of Cosmopolitan magazine writes that \"(Irina) has a great rock\'n\'roll vibe. It\'s all about the hair and her flatness. I love that she has no boobs.\" Lazareanu is often described as having a distinctive look, as Emmanuelle Alt of Vogue Paris adds; \"On the runway, no matter what, she cannot be transformed. She always has her unique look and style.\"As a result of her striking features and rock\'n\'roll semblance, Lazareanu has developed the status of \'official muse\' to designers Nicolas Ghesquière and Karl Lagerfeld, with whom she shot the Chanel Cruise campaign.
[编辑本段]Music career
  Lazareanu met musician Pete Doherty (whom she calls Peter) then a member of the Libertines, at a party in Shepherd\'s Bush while she was a ballet student. Doherty and Lazareanu bonded over their shared interest in artists such as Oscar Wilde and Nina Simone. Lazareanu became closely involved with Doherty\'s band Babyshambles and toured with them in 2004, although she has denied the widespread rumor that she served as their drummer.
  Lazareanu reportedly helped Pete Doherty write the song \"La Belle et la Bête\" which featured Kate Moss on the Babyshambles\' Down in Albion album.
  She is currently recording a folk album, entitled Some Place Along the Way, which musician Sean Lennon is producer and collaborator on. They have recorded a duet called \"Strange Places\", which has not yet been released, however was previewed on a Fashion TV profile, which aired earlier in 2006. Her album was to be released in late 2006 however it has been delayed as a result of her demanding modelling career and is now due to be released in fall 2007. Lazareanu has said that \"My music isn\'t commercial...I just want to learn from people and do the best I can do\" and cites Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Leonard Cohen and Joan Baez as her musical influences.
  In February 2007 Lazareanu announced that she will collaborate with Sean Lennon and Pete Doherty on a cover of Bob Dylan\'s \"Girl from the North Country\".
  In an interview during New York Spring 2008 Fashion Week, Lazareanu announced that she was working on a duet album with Sean Lennon.
  In December 2007, during a special presentation for Chanel in London, Lazareanu debuted four songs off her album, which acted as the soundtrack to the show. Sean Lennon accompanied her on guitar.
[编辑本段]Personal life
  Lazareanu has twice been briefly engaged to musician Pete Doherty, first for a period in 2004 following the break-up of his band The Libertines and then for the second time in October 2007.
  出生日期 :1982.06.08
  出生地 : 罗马尼亚
  身高 : 5尺9.5 相当于1.77米 (5 ft 9.5 in (1.77 m))
  发色: 暗棕色
  瞳孔颜色: 棕色
  三围 : 32-24.5-34.5
  鞋码 : 7 (UK)
  模特经济公司 (Agency):
  Select Model Management (London)
  Why Not (Milan)
  Marilyn Agency (Paris, New York)
  Giovanni Models (Toronto, Montreal)
  Irina Lazareanu是当今的一位超级model,当然她不止于model事业,做设计师的衣架,在音乐上的发展远比她在时尚界的发展要光辉的多,不仅自己创作,写歌,并且还有一手好文笔,写的诗被人评价为带有文艺复兴时代的色彩.
  并且Karl Lagerfeld(CHANEL的设计师)把她做为自己设计的缪斯女神.可见她在时尚界的成功.Irina即将发行她自己的独立专辑,之前在08PRE LONDON CHANEL的发布会上,Irina就已经现场的演绎过自己的首张专辑,并且反响非常好.
  2.在13岁时,她搬到伦敦学习芭蕾舞,由一个破碎膝关节使她不能在学习芭蕾舞。 15岁的时候她在一次party上遇见Pete Doherty,一个影响了她一生的人,无论是在音乐上或是在感情,并且成为超级model也是因为pete的姻缘际会.并且pete也将她当作自己音乐路上的缪斯女神.
  17岁的Irina因为要为自己的房子付租金于是与Giovanni modelling agency 签约.但开始那几年的她并不受人关注,直到kate moss的出现,挖掘了她.使她开始时常辗转的纽约,伦敦的时装周,偶尔也会出现在巴赛隆纳,澳大利亚和马德里时装周上.(kate moss当时做为vogue法国版的客串主编,她让irina做为12月和次年1月的model,并为她拍了一系列大片,kate对时尚界有巨大的影响力,于是Irina便开始受到各著名时装师的注意,并且迅速走红.)
  她为很多顶级时装师走秀,包括 Chanel, Balenciaga, Alexander McQueen, Anna Sui, Lanvin, Versace,还有很多.
  她的经济公司有Marilyn (New York and Paris),Why Not Models (Milan), Select Model Management (London), and Giovanni (Montreal).
  2007年3月, Lazareanu被Kate Moss被她选为她下一季TOP SHOP的model.
  Michelle McCool在Cosmopolitan magazine写道:\"Irina 有一个伟大的摇滚氛围,她的头发甚至与她平坦的胸部曲线都让我着迷,我爱她没有boobs\" 。
  Emmanuelle Alt of Vogue Paris 对Irina的评价:\"无论在任何的runway上,无论她穿什么设计者的衣服,她都能把其转化为属于自己特有古怪的风格.
  由于她的突出的特点和摇滚的风格,,Irina成为了Nicolas Ghesquière和Karl Lagerfeld的缪斯女神, 并且她为chanel拍摄the Chanel Cruise campaign.
  Irina在Shepherd\'s Bush 的party上与pete doherty相遇,后者后来也成为了英国著名乐队the Libertines的灵魂成员,当时的Irina是在london 学芭蕾舞的学生.他们分享自己都热爱的作家如Oscar Wilde 和 Nina Simone.
  Irina参与了在Pete离开the Libertines后自己成立Babyshambles乐队的一些创作,不过她一直都否认一个关于她是Babyshambles的鼓手的传闻.
  她自己回应曾经帮Pete写La Belle et la Bête这首歌(对Kate Moss的表白).
  她目前正在录制folk专辑,名字为Some Place Along the Way.音乐人Sean Lennon是她专辑的制作人.
  在2007年12月PRE Chanel in London上Irina在Sean Lennon的伴奏下演唱了专辑的4首歌曲,虽然到现在为止,她还没有正式发布专辑,不过,那次精彩的演出让人非常期待她的专辑面市.
  Irina曾经两次与Pete有过情侣关系,第一次破裂是因为Pete因为吸毒,毒瘾无法戒掉,而分手之后Pete开始轰轰烈烈的与Kate moss的恋情.当然Irina与Pete的分手一部分原因也是因为Kate的介入,Pete移情别恋.
  Irina有一次接受德国一家杂志的访问,谈到了关于自己的感情生活,说道:\"我到现在这辈子有过3次恋爱经历,其中两次让给了Kate Moss,一个是pete,一个是Jamie Hince(the kills乐队成员).但是kate moss 对我在时尚界的影响永远是巨大,先导的.)
  并且Irina始终与Kate Moss保持着良好的朋友关系.
  Irina 是一个典型的美国式的乐观派,良好的人缘,以及对朋友的真诚,让她在这个竞争激烈的时尚界拥有了让人羡慕的好人缘.相信Irina会在时尚之路走的更远,以及她一直专注的音乐事业,也期待Irina在自己的感情生活有个幸福的结果.
  2006春天,一个名叫Irina Lazareanu的女孩在时尚圈刮起一阵旋风,她的绰号就叫做“时尚旋风”。
  关于Irina Lazareanu的相貌,一直颇受争议,支持的人称她有着“最美丽的眼睛”,反对的人则觉得她古怪诡异,乍看之下心生惊恐。
  不规则的鹅卵石型脸,削薄纤细的嘴唇,一刀平的刘海厚厚覆盖住额头,突出的深褐色的大眼,加之苍白无血色的肌肤和扁平瘦弱的身材,与人们对模特天使脸庞、魔鬼身材的定义相差甚远,绝非第一眼美女的Irina Lazareanu却有着强烈的吸引人的个人气质,在芸芸模特中,你不会忽视她的存在。
  美丽的眼睛各不相同,说Irina Lazareanu的眼睛最美或许有些夸张,但她确实有着最变化多端的眼神。
  时而神秘莫测似黑森林的迷雾,时而安静淡定如三月暖意浓浓的阳光,时而哀婉幽怨让人心碎欲绝。Irina Lazareanu的眼睛如一首诗,值得一读再度,每一次都能品出不同的滋味。
  很多人知道Irina Lazareanu是因为Kate Moss的关系,羡慕她能受到Kate Moss的大力提携,轻易地在时尚圈平步青云。这是事实,但不是全部。如果你知道她在这之前经历了7年默默无闻的模特生涯,付出超乎常人想象的艰辛,你还会觉得她今日的走红是一夜成名的幸运吗?
  出生罗马尼亚,5岁为了避难全家移民加拿大,自幼在蒙特利尔的圣休伯特小镇长大的Irina Lazareanu,除了长相和姓氏保留了东欧人的特色,其内核全然是北美人的个性,她骄傲地称自己是不折不扣的加拿大人。
  不同于东欧人的拘谨小心,Irina Lazareanu是天生的乐天派,接触过她的人无不赞叹她随和开朗、平易近人的性格,即便在模特的艰难时刻,她仍是一如既往的讨人喜欢,从不怨天尤人、轻易放弃。
  17岁为了付房租,Irina Lazareanu与蒙特利尔的Giovanni 模特经纪公司签约,公司董事Jean-Franceois Leroux 这样说道:“我爱Irina Lazareanu的一切,爱她的样子,更爱她的性格。她是如此活泼,如此聪明,如此有趣。”
  但起初,她的模特生涯举步维艰。“当地的人们无法了解她的美”他说。1999年出道的Irina Lazareanu不幸地遭遇巴西模特风靡时尚圈的时刻,比起前凸后翘的丰满美女,既不性感也不妖冶的Irina Lazareanu好比是天鹅群中一只不起眼的丑小鸭。尽管她有着超越常人的才华,却注定成为没有伯乐的千里马,无人赏识。
  Irina Lazareanu依循惯例参加着伦敦和米兰的时装周,一年又一年,直到2005年的冬天改变终于来临,她遇见了生命中的伯乐—Kate Moss。
  作为12月法国版《Vogue》客串编辑的Kate Moss在一组名为《Extravagance de plumes》的大片中让Irina Lazareanu加入拍摄,引起了时尚人士的注意。
  2006年1月Irina 登上了意大利《Vogue》的封面,为她执镜的是享有盛誉的摄影师 Steven Meisel,至此,属于Irina Lazareanu的时刻正式开启。
  7年的沉寂积蓄了太多的力量,一朝爆发的Irina Lazareanu让人感叹旋风的来势汹汹。
  2006秋冬的时装周,她一共参加了76场秀,震惊世人的数字。如果时长1月的时装周好比耗费劳神的马拉松比赛,Irina Lazareanu是当之无愧的冠军。
  设计师们对她宠爱有加,因为60场秀过后,大多数模特又困又累想要回家,而Irina Lazareanu却能又唱又跳,精力充沛。Cheri Bowen,Irina Lazareanu的纽约经纪人说,与她外表给人的感觉截然不同,她从不抱怨。
  Irina Lazareanu在米兰时装周的一天如下:
  Byblos、菲拉格慕 (Salvatore Ferragamo)、Costume National、普拉达 (PRADA)、范思哲 (Versace)……一天11场秀,一刻不停直到晚上为明天的秀试衣。凌晨5点回到酒店,睡一小时后起床、洗澡、换装,循环往复——持续整整六天。“你不得不注意体形,还得有个强壮的胃”Irina Lazareanu说道,“只有在飞机上我才能吃到一小片三明治和披萨。”
  除了在走秀时的良好状态,Irina Lazareanu深得设计师的喜爱更在于她丰富多端的表现力,无论广告代言还是时尚大片。
  “她开创了模特的新时代。”时尚电视频道FTV 的主编Jeanne Beker 这样形容道,“她能够胜任各种造型,从 Paul Poiret Studio 到CHANEL或者是复古的60年代。她可以来自任一时期,当然也能非常现代。极其罕见的模特品质。”
  所以,在2006年的春天,大牌们仿佛早就约好了似的争先恐后邀请Irina Lazareanu代言:Just Cavalli、玛百莉 (Mulberry)、安娜·莫里那瑞 (Anna Molinari)、波士 (HUGO BOSS)、巴黎世家 (BALENCIAGA) 以及香奈儿 (CHANEL)。
  代言只是开始,设计师们还纷纷放下身段抛出橄榄枝,邀其合作参与服装设计,比如大师Ralph Lauren就不止一次盛情邀约。因为她出众的穿衣品位,让大师想起了主演了 Woody Allen电影《Annie Hall》的Diane Keaton,浓厚的70年代风格。确实如此,比起其他模特习惯T恤加牛仔的普通打扮,Irina Lazareanu承认自己的穿衣风格深受60、70年代英伦风的影响。
  大量的叠加层穿,热衷古董衣的混搭,华丽低调的摇滚风格,只要是她街头打扮,日韩的粉丝纷纷有样学样,疯狂效仿。在一次CHANEL派对上,身穿黑色超大西服,配以浅顶软呢帽的Irina Lazareanu让身旁的好莱坞影星Lindsay Lohan相形见绌,让后者活似一个充气膨胀的桔红塑料娃娃。
  Karl Lagerfeld也对Irina Lazareanu赞赏有加,视之为最新的灵感缪思,称她是 Coco Chanel 和 Anna de Noailles 的结合体。后者是法国和罗马尼亚混血女诗人,有名的女知识分子。
  Karl Lagerfeld推出的CHANEL巴黎-蒙特卡罗系列,正是以他心中的Irina Lazareanu为设计女神。当仁不让成为其代言人的Irina Lazareanu,展现了平日难得一见的淑女形象,高贵典雅、充满知性气息的新时代CHANEL女郎。
  尽管如今身为排名前十的名模,Irina Lazareanu仍以平常心看待自己取得的成绩,她坦然:“模特不是艺术,它只是一项工作,就像在麦当劳工作。高级定制服的艺术在于它是人们花了六个月的赶制而出,凝聚了他们的心血。无关穿着者。我只是行走,随着前面的人亦步亦趋。”
  艺术的细胞天生扎根于Irina Lazareanu的心中,自幼梦想成为艺术家的她确实多才多艺。13岁,Irina Lazareanu远赴伦敦学习芭蕾,直到弄伤了膝盖而不得不放弃。
  15岁时,因为相同的音乐爱好,她遇见了刚刚组建乐队的Pete Doherty。
  “我们彼此相像”她说,“太奇怪了,他有乐队,我也有乐队。”Leonard Cohen、Oscar Wilde、 Maupassant 同是他俩喜欢的人。自然而然,他们成为了情侣和音乐伙伴。2004年夏天,她与Doherty乐队Babyshambles一起巡回演出,Irina Lazareanu经常被认为是乐队的鼓手,她嘲笑自己是被错估的神话。“我们每个人都为乐队而努力”她笑道,“我的第一件乐器是一支笔。”
  然后他们合作写出了La BeLLE et la Bête,由彼时Doherty的女友超模Kate Moss出演。歌词中她这样写道:我要告诉你一个故事,你拒绝倾听的故事,噩梦划过传统的悬崖,紫罗兰焦灼绽放,漫漫长夜相伴无穷梦魇。
  美丽歌词仿佛呢喃哀婉的诗,而Irina Lazareanu确实有写诗的习惯。爱读屠格涅夫的她钟情写诗,无论何处只要有了灵感,便记在随身携带的笔记本中。读过她的诗的人不吝赞美:“她是一个艺术家,文艺复兴时期的女人。”

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