Currency converter: 56 currenciesCurrency converter:current day's rates
Convert to and from Canadian dollars using the current day's exchange rates Currency converter:10-year lookup
Convert to and from Canadian dollars using rates from 1997 to the present.
Daily Rates: 56 currenciesNoon Rates:past five days
Exchange rates for the past five business days. Also available in PDF and CSV Daily Rates:10-year lookup
Search exchange rates from 1997 to the present. Includes $US close, low, high and 90-day rates; noon rates for all other currencies.
Closing rates: 12 currenciesClosing rates:past five days
Closing rates for the past five business days, 12 currencies. Includes graphs. US$/CAN$ closing rate summary
Historic high and low closing rates. Monthly closing rates.
CAN$/US$ rate lookupSearch for specific CAN$/US$ exchange rates — by level, by amount of change, and by high/low values during a given period.
Average rates: 56 currenciesMonthly averages:10-year lookup
Search monthly average exchange rates from 1997 to the present. Includes $US close, low, high and 90-day rates; noon rates for all other currencies. Monthly averages:last three years
Monthly average exchange rates in PDF. Annual averages:1997 — present
Annual average exchange rates in PDF.