there is no mosquito at home if you keep the screen close.
there is more mosquitos outdoor near water
I use Citronella wristband on a daily outdoor activity, like walking.
If I have to stay outdoor for a longer period I will spray mosquito repel. I hate this sticky smelly spray
you can bring waistband ( $1CAD) quite expensive in Canada
but 驱蚊液 and 蚊香 please buy in Canada
because both chemical from china may not pass the safety in Canada (it is not a forbiddent item, but no point to put this smelly liquid in your luggage, in case it spilled )
if you swear that you cannot find them, write down these english name and show it to any Drug store, supermarket ask them to find it for you Citronella wristband ($1 CAD) mosquito repel spray (驱蚊液) ($4-8 CAD)
蚊香: are you going to carry this smoky thing with you when you walking around? A lot of people around you has allgery with smoke
there isn\'t mosquito now, because last two week City of Winnipeg already \"frog\" (spraying to kill mosquito) , before that I got bit when I went outsideto water my plants.
Last week, my cherry tomato turned red, I went outside got a handful, washed and ate. Ah I am poisoned! Can\'t feel my tongue for 2 hours. I realize that the \"frog\" need some time to soak away from your fruit. Tomatos you bought from the market is already there for few days, but my fruit is fresh from the garden
garden fruit need to soak for at least 2 hours with light salt water