本人已在international office 证实,2008-2009的新生的学费会提升近一倍,
老生(即在2008 fall term 以前注册的学生)的学费照常,
pl,据小道消息,到2008年,不仅UW,u of manitoba, and brandon university,的学费
good luck
The University of Winnipeg is voting today to increase international students’ tuition fees to $15,000 per year! This is by far the BIGGEST FEE INCREASE IN CANADIAN HISTORY. This $8000 increase must be stopped before the University of Manitoba tries the same thing. The U of W Board of Regents are trying to push it through as fast as possible and we’ve only just heard about it. They will be meeting TODAY at 3:30 to vote on it.
转载 阿周的 《$15,000 international students\' tuition fee increase in U of Winnipeg〉