给BU international office 打过电话了,他们说没语言成绩,只要在上过其他的english language program。把语言的毕业证书和我的transcripts邮寄过去,然后给admission office写封信请求他们waive the language requirement,
就这样就可以了? 那不是太简单了, 真希望他们都给我开绿灯。
大家有转学过去的吗? 怎么转得?
Thanks people,,
I\'ve been accepted by BU
they asked me to write a letter about that
I requested to waive English language requirement
because I did finish ESL in U of W
and what I had taken in UW and what I will take in BU for regular courses
then I asked to send this letter with my official ESL transcript which is the final score I got when I graduated, also with my criminal recored and scores from high school as well
then waited
so I guess brandonu is just the one of the easiest university to get into
I write this down to those people who want to transfer to BU from other University
(I guess not many people\'d like to do this as me)
as a guide
hopefully it\'s helpful..
Tiny Fish:
You made the right decision to transfer to BU.
Basically what you said is true for almost all other universities in Canada.
Criminal record check is usually not required.
Good luck at BU