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<strong style="color:rgb(64, 64, 64); font-family:microsoft yahei; font-size:18px; text-align:justify; text-indent:36px">作者|金刻羽(哈佛经济学博士、伦敦政治经济学院经济学终身教授)














Why are we facing a 1930"s Economic Depression?

The world is currently facing the prospects of an Economicdepression akin to that of the 1930’s, perhaps 10 times the size ofthe Great recession of 2009. For most of us, it will be the biggesteconomic event of our lifetime.

The pandemic that has attacked us is comparable to the 1918 Spanishflu, which infected about 1/4 of the population and where 50million people had died. Only two months ago, most of us believedthat the coronavirus will be a Chinese phenomenon, or at most anAsian phenomenon, like SARS. Little did we expect that it willexplode in the rest of the world. Compared to 1918, modern medicineand technology has advanced, but we also have vastly greaterinterconnections around the world, with 12 million people flyingeach day .

What we are potentially facing is not a 5% drop in U.S. output, aswas the case of the Great Recession in 2009, but a 40% drop in U.S.output and economies around the world. This time around, it is nota paralysis of the banking system where credit is squeezed, andlack of spending spills over to the real economy. Today, it is thata large part of the real economy will be in a complete stall, whichwill in turn break the financial system, and then come back toaffect the real economy a second time round.

During the height of the Great Recession of 2008, the U.S. economywas losing 800,000 jobs per month. Today, it is losing millions ofjobs per week. Policymakers balked at a peak of 10 % unemploymentrate in the U.S.; today, they are talking about a number thathovers around a 30% unemployment rate. In a typical recession,businesses lay off workers because consumers do not spend enough.Today, businesses destroys employment because they cannot andshould not bring people back to work. And then----when distressedfamilies and businesses cut back on spending, there is a secondround of layoffs.

Take the restaurant sector alone. In the U.S., it is a trilliondollar sector. This does not take into account air travel, tourism,entertainment, education, and face to face services. The servicesector as a whole is about 80% of GDP. It is easy to see how a 40%evaporation of output can occur in no time. The main difference isthat fundamentally sound businesses today may go bankrupt becausethere is no business. In 2008, a few major banks were on the vergeof default. Today, the government has to come out and rescue itspeople, its businesses large and small, and its banks.

The financial assistance packages that major governments around theworld are promising are already on a much larger scale than duringthe whole of the Great Recession. The Fed has already promised tobuy US bonds of `infinity and more’. The Treasury is currentlytrying to pass a 2 trillion dollar fiscal stimulus, which is thelargest fiscal stimulus package in modern U.S. history. TheEuropean central bank, which been historically stingy, has pledgedto buy about 1 trillion euros worth of European debt. Its motto is: do whatever it takes. They have claimed that they are facing thebiggest crisis since World War II!

But it is easy to understand why monetary policy will belimited in its efficacy despite their rapid response and scale. Thereason is that in 2007, it was spending and credit that was frozen.Consumers and businesses cannot afford to replay loans or get newones. So monetary policy aimed at cutting interest rates and makingcredit available can help jumpstart borrowing and spending. Butwhen businesses are effectively shut down because of socialdistancing, because businesses cannot get components, or becausequarantines limits people’s ability to work, it is not monetarypolicy that can jumpstart economic activity.

I would not be so concerned if all countries can take as draconianmeasures as our country has taken, or even the more moderate buteffective measures that Singapore, Korea and Japan have adopted.But the Western countries are not like Asian countries. First ofall, they have not had the experience of SARs, and are slow toreact and to recognize the severity of the problem. Second, thepeople are already complaining of being quarantined after only afew weeks or in many cases a few days of mandatory socialdistancing. Attention: it is not even quarantine---it is socialdistancing. Days after the UK prime minister Boris Johnsonannounced social distancing measures, his father had said suggestedthat going to a pub may be a `necessity’, and that he would goanyway. My British friends over 70 years old who are staying atluxurious countryside estate have told me that they will go crazyif they are required stay there for one more month. My formerclassmates in New York said that there is no way that New Yorkerscan be kept in their homes for too long. They’d rather get thedisease. And---what is most likely going to happen is that theywill be fed up, and everyone will end up developing herdimmunity.

Thus, it is not only that our culture, political systems, publicinfrastructure are different. Our people are different. Compared toWesterners, East Asians are a more compliant group. So are theGermans―compared to the Italians. Compared to Europeans,Americans crave and need less socialization. Last weekend saw goodweather for Paris, and the Frenchmen could not miss the opportunityto leave their homes for the beach. But from Americans toEuropeans--virtually all of them hate perceived notions ofsuppression. They are also skeptical of technological surveillanceeven if it is their lives that are at stake.

All of this means that different countries will take very differentapproaches in fighting the epidemic. Most industrialized countrieshave taken the approach of mitigation, delaying the peak, ratherthan radical measures to contain the virus. But that would meanthat they delay the resumption of work and the economy. In China,we stopped all activities for about a month or so, and businessesare springing back to life, with much of the operations fullyrecovered. That would not be the case for Western economies. Withtheir strategy, it will take at least 6 months for the economy togo back to normal, if not longer. If there is a second wave ofinfections, then it may take 18 months, or whenever a cure and avaccine is available. If we are facing a 12-18 month halt ineconomic activities in major economies around the world, we will befacing a challenge even greater than the Great Depression.

Thus, we cannot analyse the prospects of the world economy based onour own experience. Even though there are barely any more new casesarising inside China, social behaviour has fundamentally altered.We will still need to see if a resumption of work can spark off asecond wave of infection. If not, I would be more optimistic ofChina"s economic recovery. As soon as we see the infection ratesstarting to decline in Western countries, the stock market willstart to come back. So far, 6 trillion dollars of stock marketvalue has already been wiped out and we have yet to see theworst.

The size of our domestic economy is sufficient to prevent a majordecline in our output. But the rest of the world will be tanking aswe come back to life. It is an opportunity of the century for us tohelp the rest of the world, not only out of strategic interests,but also out of a moral imperative. The trust that has been sodifficult to build in the international community will come aboutthrough our genuine and practical efforts of humanitarianassistance.

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