原帖由 Roy 于 4-9 15:48 发表 
原帖由 Roy 于 4-9 15:56 发表 
OK 那就给WPC打个电话,就说一个不到16的teenage砸了你的车玻璃,你问问是你需要付MPI的deductable 还是那个小孩要付 ?
不管你相不相信,under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 在所有的西方国家和绝大部分的其他国家,未成年人免受刑事处罚,14岁以下甚至免hearing。同时,无收入的未成年人(16岁)不负刑事赔偿责认。
One of the KEY point of 2002 of YCJA is :
Rights of Youth
Police do not have to arrest youths who are suspected of breaking certain laws; they have many other options and a great deal of discretion. In a situation such as shoplifting, the police may simply talk with the young person and evaluate what he or she did wrong or the police could bring the youth home or call the parent or guardian.
即使你要sue对方,按照 2002 YCJA :
“Trials under The Youth Criminal Justice Act are held in either family court or youth justice court ”
按照 2002 YCJA , 别说想要对方负刑事责任,把他搬court都难上加难,如果对方不足14岁,别想。如果对方介于14 -- 18 除非对方在WPC有相当深厚的案底或者受害人严重受伤,也别想。
In order for a youth to be transferred to adult court, certain requirements must be met. The youth must have been 14 or older when the offence was committed and they must also be accused of a serious, violent crime or else be a repeat offender of such crimes. A transfer hearing will occur to determine which court - adult or youth justice (or family) - will best suit the case. The judge decides.
即使你成功的把对方(未成年人)送上 court,按照第四章第42节,court照样不能把对方怎么着,罚款也不过才能罚一千 :
a) reprimand the young person;
(b) by order direct that the young person be discharged absolutely, if the court considers it to be in the best interests of the young person and not contrary to the public interest;
(c) by order direct that the young person be discharged on any conditions that the court considers appropriate and may require the young person to report to and be supervised by the provincial director;
(d) impose on the young person a fine not exceeding $1,000 to be paid at the time and on the terms that the court may fix;
(e) order the young person to pay to any other person at the times and on the terms that the court may fix an amount by way of compensation for loss of or damage to property or for loss of income or support, or an amount for, in the Province of Quebec, pre-trial pecuniary loss or, in any other province, special damages, for personal injury arising from the commission of the offence if the value is readily ascertainable, but no order shall be made for other damages in the Province of Quebec or for general damages in any other province;
(f) order the young person to make restitution to any other person of any property obtained by the young person as a result of the commission of the offence within the time that the court may fix, if the property is owned by the other person or was, at the time of the offence, in his or her lawful possession;
(g) if property obtained as a result of the commission of the offence has been sold to an innocent purchaser, where restitution of the property to its owner or any other person has been made or ordered, order the young person to pay the purchaser, at the time and on the terms that the court may fix, an amount not exceeding the amount paid by the purchaser for the property;
(h) subject to section 54, order the young person to compensate any person in kind or by way of personal services at the time and on the terms that the court may fix for any loss, damage or injury suffered by that person in respect of which an order may be made under paragraph (e) or (g);
(i) subject to section 54, order the young person to perform a community service at the time and on the terms that the court may fix, and to report to and be supervised by the provincial director or a person designated by the youth justice court;
(j) subject to section 51 (mandatory prohibition order), make any order of prohibition, seizure or forfeiture that may be imposed under any Act of Parliament or any regulation made under it if an accused is found guilty or convicted of that offence, other than an order under section 161 of the Criminal Code;
(k) place the young person on probation in accordance with sections 55 and 56 (conditions and other matters related to probation orders) for a specified period not exceeding two years;
(l) subject to subsection (3) (agreement of provincial director), order the young person into an intensive support and supervision program approved by the provincial director;
(m) subject to subsection (3) (agreement of provincial director) and section 54, order the young person to attend a non-residential program approved by the provincial director, at the times and on the terms that the court may fix, for a maximum of two hundred and forty hours, over a period not exceeding six months;
(n) make a custody and supervision order with respect to the young person, ordering that a period be served in custody and that a second period — which is one half as long as the first — be served, subject to sections 97 (conditions to be included) and 98 (continuation of custody), under supervision in the community subject to conditions, the total of the periods not to exceed two years from the date of the coming into force of the order or, if the young person is found guilty of an offence for which the punishment provided by the Criminal Code or any other Act of Parliament is imprisonment for life, three years from the date of coming into force of the order;
(o) in the case of an offence set out in subparagraph (a)(ii), (iii) or (iv) of the definition “presumptive offence” in subsection 2(1), make a custody and supervision order in respect of the young person for a specified period not exceeding three years from the date of committal that orders the young person to be committed into a continuous period of custody for the first portion of the sentence and, subject to subsection 104(1) (continuation of custody), to serve the remainder of the sentence under conditional supervision in the community in accordance with section 105;
(p) subject to subsection (5), make a deferred custody and supervision order that is for a specified period not exceeding six months, subject to the conditions set out in subsection 105(2), and to any conditions set out in subsection 105(3) that the court considers appropriate;
(q) order the young person to serve a sentence not to exceed
(i) in the case of first degree murder, ten years comprised of
(A) a committal to custody, to be served continuously, for a period that must not, subject to subsection 104(1) (continuation of custody), exceed six years from the date of committal, and
(B) a placement under conditional supervision to be served in the community in accordance with section 105, and
(ii) in the case of second degree murder, seven years comprised of
(A) a committal to custody, to be served continuously, for a period that must not, subject to subsection 104(1) (continuation of custody), exceed four years from the date of committal, and
(B) a placement under conditional supervision to be served in the community in accordance with section 105;
(r) subject to subsection (7), make an intensive rehabilitative custody and supervision order in respect of the young person
(i) that is for a specified period that must not exceed
(A) two years from the date of committal, or
(B) if the young person is found guilty of an offence for which the punishment provided by the Criminal Code or any other Act of Parliament is imprisonment for life, three years from the date of committal,
and that orders the young person to be committed into a continuous period of intensive rehabilitative custody for the first portion of the sentence and, subject to subsection 104(1) (continuation of custody), to serve the remainder under conditional supervision in the community in accordance with section 105,
(ii) that is for a specified period that must not exceed, in the case of first degree murder, ten years from the date of committal, comprising
(A) a committal to intensive rehabilitative custody, to be served continuously, for a period that must not exceed six years from the date of committal, and
(B) subject to subsection 104(1) (continuation of custody), a placement under conditional supervision to be served in the community in accordance with section 105, and
(iii) that is for a specified period that must not exceed, in the case of second degree murder, seven years from the date of committal, comprising
(A) a committal to intensive rehabilitative custody, to be served continuously, for a period that must not exceed four years from the date of committal, and
(B) subject to subsection 104(1) (continuation of custody), a placement under conditional supervision to be served in the community in accordance with section 105; and
(s) impose on the young person any other reasonable and ancillary conditions that the court considers advisable and in the best interests of the young person and the public.
Agreement of provincial director
(3) A youth justice court may make an order under paragraph (2)(l) or (m) only if the provincial director has determined that a program to enforce the order is available.
Youth justice court statement
(4) When the youth justice court makes a custody and supervision order with respect to a young person under paragraph (2)(n), the court shall state the following with respect to that order:
You are ordered to serve (state the number of days or months to be served) in custody, to be followed by (state one-half of the number of days or months stated above) to be served under supervision in the community subject to conditions.
If you breach any of the conditions while you are under supervision in the community, you may be brought back into custody and required to serve the rest of the second period in custody as well.
You should also be aware that, under other provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, a court could require you to serve the second period in custody as well.
The periods in custody and under supervision in the community may be changed if you are or become subject to another sentence |