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(更新) 加拿大 80 张信用卡中,性价比最高的前4名

20763 35
daluke  曼省名人  发表于 2013-10-17 16:41:06 | 显示全部楼层
已经有 Amex 信用卡的朋友们赶紧用下面的连接注册, 然后再11月16日之间在Timhorton花$20, Amex 给返回 $10.

注册链接: https://enroll.amexnetwork.com/C ... mp;amp;om_lid=amex5

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daluke  曼省名人  发表于 2013-11-5 15:43:00 | 显示全部楼层
现在去买Tim Horton 的 Gift card 还不晚,买个$20的,拿回$10.

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daluke  曼省名人  发表于 2013-11-12 18:26:35 | 显示全部楼层
TD 正在筹备发行新的Aeroplan 信用卡,可能会有比较好的促销。建议现在持有 CIBC Aeroplan 信用卡的朋友,还是把卡取消,否则会被自动转到TD 就拿不到新的开卡奖励了。

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明智机票网  曼省名人  发表于 2013-11-13 00:01:40 | 显示全部楼层
明智机票网www.RightChoice.Travel 在线7X24特价机票查询预订

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daluke  曼省名人  发表于 2013-12-17 15:34:42 | 显示全部楼层
New TD Aeroplan card has been very much talked about. Here is the details about the new TD Aeroplan credit cards:

TD Aeroplan Visa Platinum
Enrolment Bonus: 10,000 miles
Miles Earned: 1 Aeroplan Mile/$1.50
Bonus #1: 1 mile/$1 on gas, grocery and drugstore purchases
Bonus #2: Aeroplan Card and TD Visa can be used together at Aeroplan partner locations
Insurance: Delayed/Lost Baggage, Flight Delay, Collision Loss and Damage Insurance, Common Carrier, Purchase Security & Extended Warranty, Emergency Travel Assistance
Annual Fee: $89 Primary User, $35 Authorized User
Income Requirement: None
Interest Rate: 19.99%
Minimum Credit Limit: $1,500
Exclusive Privileges: None
Air Canada Benefits: None

TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite
Enrolment Bonus: 15,000 miles
Miles Earned: 1 Aeroplan Mile/$1.00
Bonus #1: 1.5 mile/$1 on gas, grocery and drugstore purchases
Bonus #2: Aeroplan Card and TD Visa can be used together at Aeroplan partner locations
Insurance: 15 Day Travel & Medical Insurance, Trip Cancel/Trip Interrupt, Delayed/Lost Baggage, Flight Delay, Collision Loss and Damage Insurance, Common Carrier (incl. Auto Rental), Purchase Security & Extended Warranty, Emergency Travel Assistance
Annual Fee: $120 Primary User, $50 Authorized User
Income Requirement: $60,000 or $100,000 household
Interest Rate: 19.99%
Minimum Credit Limit: $5,000
Exclusive Privileges: Concierge
Air Canada Benefits: When travelling on Reward flights: One annual one-time use Maple Leaf Lounge access pass, First checked bag free, Priority check-in, Priority boarding

TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite Privilege
Enrolment Bonus: 25,000 miles
Miles Earned: 1.25 Aeroplan Mile/$1.00
Bonus #1: 1.5 mile/$1 on gas, grocery and drugstore, and Air Canada purchases
Bonus #2: Aeroplan Card and TD Visa can be used together at Aeroplan partner locations
Insurance: 22 Day Travel & Medical Insurance, Trip Cancel/Trip Interrupt, Delayed/Lost Baggage, Flight Delay, Collision Loss and Damage Insurance, Common Carrier (incl. Auto Rental) - (expanded vs. Infinite coverage), Purchase Security & Extended Warranty (expanded vs. Infinite Coverage), Emergency Travel Assistance
Annual Fee: $399 Primary User, $99 Authorized User
Income Requirement: $200,000 household
Interest Rate: 19.99%
Minimum Credit Limit: $10,000
Exclusive Privileges: Privilege Concierge, Global Lounge Service, Security VIP Fast Lane (Selected Airports), Golf Program, Sports packages (Olympics; FIFA), Music, food and wine experiences
Air Canada Benefits: First checked bag free on Air Canada flights, Priority check-in on Air Canada flights, Priority boarding on Air Canada flights, Four annual one-time use Maple Leaf Lounge
access passes (when travelling on Reward flights), 50% discount on companion tickets for eligible Executive Class fares on Air Canada Flights available once per calendar year

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daluke  曼省名人  发表于 2014-1-14 11:57:28 | 显示全部楼层
最新消息:在四月一日之前申请 Amex AeroplanPlus 金卡,开卡奖励计分会算在Aeroplan Distinction 的积分。

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daluke  曼省名人  发表于 2014-1-30 17:04:21 | 显示全部楼层
daluke:最新消息:在四月一日之前申请 Amex AeroplanPlus 金卡,开卡奖励计分会算在Aeroplan Distinction 的积分。 (2014-01-14 10:57 AM)
3万分就是 Aeroplan Disctinction 的白银用户了,在换免费机票的时候可以拿到20% 的折扣。

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daluke  曼省名人  发表于 2014-2-14 14:33:13 | 显示全部楼层
daluke:3万分就是 Aeroplan Disctinction 的白银用户了,在换免费机票的时候可以拿到20% 的折扣。 (2014-01-30 04:04 PM)
TD 的 Aeroplan 信用卡积分也可以算作 Distinction 的积分。

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daluke  曼省名人  发表于 2014-3-11 09:33:43 | 显示全部楼层
听网上有人说,Amex 30k Aeroplan 开卡积分的活动快结束了

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daluke  曼省名人  发表于 2014-4-6 10:35:35 | 显示全部楼层
刚刚查过,amex 3万开卡奖励的优惠还在。

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