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本帖最后由 BangBangBang 于 2009-4-28 13:47 编辑

Memories, made up of a series happiness and sadness. No matter its sweet or sad, they always. Everyday we are creating sweet brand-new memories.

That piece of memory is sweet but also a little sad; Although I lost him at last, this experience makes me get older and wiser.

We come from different countries. Both of us knew that the differences of culture and language would be a problem, but he told me to relax, there’s nothing to worry about if we really love each other. He said that he’ll learn my language and I can learn his language. At the beginning, I was worrying, I worried about the language problem; I’m afraid some thoughts in my mind couldn’t express completely to him. However, as I see all the efforts he did for me, I started to change my mind, I believe that we could solve all the problems between us, almost everything. And I felt like love him more everyday. We made our promises. We were passionate about everything -- loving each other, fighting with each other, even passionate when we were trying to hurt each other.

There was one time, I went to his house. We ate outside every time we went out, so I suggested that we can just make some food at home.
I felt like wanted time to stop at this moment

I really want to hold this love in my hand forever, but at the same time, I realized that I’m losing something else. My friends didn’t talk to me anymore because every time they ask me to go out, I always find excuses and stay with him instead. I spent less and less time with them. On the other hand, arguments between me and my parents also became more often. They don’t want me to go out with him, and that would my school work.

The 2 months we spent together were the happiest of my life -- until he broke up with me.

For a week or two, I almost cried every night on my bed. I wanted to go back to those old days, trying to continue our love story. But I knew it was too late. There were some days I blame myself that I didn’t hug him too tight when we were together; and I was regret that I didn’t show all my love in front of him.
Whenever I heard love songs in the radio, always reminding me things happen between me and him.

After several weeks, I told myself that I can’t keep thinking of him anymore. I need a new start for myself. I went back to my friends. They accepted me they didn’t mind that I almost ignore them when I stay with him. As it was before, they sometimes laugh at my double chin, and speak ill of him. They said he must be got tired of driving me home everyday because my house is too far away; saying that he’s not good enough for me. I knew they all trying to comfort me and encourage me to get out of this sadness. They hang with me everyday so that I didn’t have the spare time to think about him. Sometimes I secretly glad that I’m the lucky person who has full friends’ love.
I can be aggressive to them and they wouldn’t mind; we sit around in a circle and tell our stories to everyone.( It’s a game that we created by ourselves). No matter what we doing, everything would be sweet and joyful. My life becomes extra bright because of them. I can’t imagine how my life would be pale if I live without them. I asked myself is it worth me to give up everything for him? He can dump me anytime he wants. Friends and family can give me a hug anytime I need.

I understood this is not true love, first sight and love forever won’t be show up in our life everyday. First love always a little bit childish. Perhaps of my youth ignorant, perhaps I was just
on him. What true love is, my understanding is not thorough enough.

A month after we broke up, we met each other coincidently. I nodded and smiled to him to show I’m all good without him. I can still have a happy face without him

Actually, I don’t really hate him for leaving me. He’s the guy who first made my world spin. He let me know what first love looks like, taste like and smells like.
Many people say first love will never be forgotten, I know this memory wont get of out my head. I will leave it in the bottom of my heart.

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评论 7

BangBangBang  曼省名人  发表于 2009-3-27 07:12:39 | 显示全部楼层
Chapter 6 Journal Response
The windmill continues to be built up. Everyone works so hard that they hardly have time to have a break. Boxer is the hardest worker among them. He is a stupid horse, got more brawn than brain. As the book describes, work harder even became his slogan. I feel pity for him that he don’t know he got used by pigs and contribute all his labor to the windmill.

Napoleon announced that he had decided upon a new policy that is animal farm would engage in trade with the neighboring farms. For other animals, this is a big hit for them because they thought they would never dealing with human beings anymore. Animal farm is not that peaceful farm anymore. The society is dramatically changing under pigs’ control.

Without any thinking, I guess most readers can predict that Squealer’s going open his mouth again. Like it said in the second chapter, “he could turn black into white.” I think the author use this character very precisely that fully showed a running dog of Napoleon. He crushes any uncertainty or confusion by other animals. It makes me think of this kind of people exist in our society. They always follow the leader’s order; abandon their own dignity and sense of righteousness. They secure the leader’s position as a dictator.

In the last line of this chapter, Napoleon cried “Forward, comarades! Long live the windmill! Long live Animal Farm.” He totally sees him as the leader of this farm. All the other animals still didn’t realize that they are fully under Napoleon’s control. They become slaver again.

Chapter 7 Journal Response
It’s the worst thing happened in this chapter: animals killed animals. Hens don’t want to surrender their eggs. To show their displeasure, they flew “up the rafters and there laid their eggs, which smashed to piece on the floor.” Finally there is someone who dares to oppose Napoleon, but their end is a tragedy. They all got killed by those fierce dogs. This is the saddest thing happen in the farm. Pigs totally leave those seven commandments behind. And all animals got scared. I think they should start to think about they situation now. Do their really live better than before with Mr. Jones? I wonder how other animals feel when they saw their s got killed by animals. I don’t think it would feel better than killed by Mr. Jones.

In the end, animals were told to not sing the “Beasts of England”. Napoleon uses his power to do anything he wants. And he already forgot the original equality.

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BangBangBang  曼省名人  发表于 2009-3-27 07:37:43 | 显示全部楼层
Chapter 8 Journal Response
In this chapter, human attack the animal farm again and they destroyed the windmill which they spend the whole year to build up. All the animals were so disappointed to accept this fact, but the pig said they should celebrate. It is ridiculous that pigs don’t feel sorry about that. They didn’t put effort in this project, so they don’t know how it hurt to other animals.

Later on, the pigs even start to drink. I found that in each chapter, the pigs destroy one commandment like a common practice. Not sleep on bed; shouldn’t kill other animals; human are enemy… I think the author is trying to show the truth that the animal farm got collapse step by step. It makes reader feel with the story.

I wonder what is going to happen next. Will animals rebuild the windmill again? I want them to wake up and stop working for Napoleon. They didn’t notice that Napoleon’s ambitious is getting bigger and bigger, and they will not get any benefit from working hard.

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BangBangBang  曼省名人  发表于 2009-4-6 21:56:22 | 显示全部楼层
Chapter 10 Journal Response
This last chapter gives readers an overview of animals’ life in the farm. Through first few paragraphs, it seems like those animals have a pretty good living condition: More prosperous, better organized. However, I wonder this is the life they really want. I thought “less work; more free time and more food” can be called as the phenomenon of “animalism”, but it actually turns out the opposite side. They didn’t get any benefit under pigs’ control. The most depressed thing to me is they didn’t recognize that they already got controlled by Napoleon’s dictatorship. Animals’ life doesn’t get better at all, it seems there’s no difference compare with the life when Jones were there. For me, I think animalism is a failure. Maybe they use a better word “animalism” for their dictatorship, but as we can see, the farm remains unchanged.

The pigs, they drink, play and trade with human. They are the only group who get benefit from animalism. They became the real dictator in this farm and I feel that they are no longer pigs anymore.

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BangBangBang  曼省名人  发表于 2009-4-14 08:16:24 | 显示全部楼层
When you hear plastic surgery this word, I guess most of you would think that people want to do it for better appearance. But there’s actually another reason for correct some   
Should people change the way they look?

For young people, they view plastic surgery as a way to fit in and look acceptable to friends and peers.

Before we going into this argument, let’s talk about what is plastic surgery.

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gaohao  游客  发表于 2009-4-14 08:43:41 | 显示全部楼层

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星光大道  曼省名人  发表于 2009-4-20 01:33:30 | 显示全部楼层

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绿水  曼省名人  发表于 2009-4-20 19:13:03 | 显示全部楼层

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