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dress code

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本帖最后由 妍妍 于 2009-3-6 10:11 编辑

有一天外出吃晚饭的时候旁边坐了一对小情侣,小男生正在得意洋洋地像小女生灌输上班要怎样着装,虽然他的喋喋不休持续了整顿晚饭的时间让我一直耳朵嗡嗡作响有如茅厕里的臭蝇挥之不去,但是小男生对于外在精神面貌体现的孜孜不倦的追求和一丝不苟的态度甚是让我敬佩,并且激发了我转载一篇关于dress code的灵感。

White Tie

This is the most formal of evening attire.
The gentleman wears a long black dinner jacket with tails.
A white pique vest is worn over his formal shirt and awhite
pique bow tie is also worn.
Only formal black shoes with a
shine should be worn with this attire.
White gloves are sometimes carried which a gentleman may wear when he dances with a lady.
If he is a diplomat, he may wear his pins with the colors of his country on his dinner jacket.

When the gentleman is wearing
White Tie, the lady who accompanies him should
wear a long, very formal evening gown.
If she chooses to wear gloves, she may leave them on during the cocktail hour or when she is going through the receiving line.
If she happens to be
the receiving line, she may also leave her gloves on when she greets and shakes hands with all of the guests.
At the table, however, she must remove her gloves and place them on her lap during the dinner.
She may put her gloves on again if she wishes to participate in the dancing after dinner.

Black Tie

Most of the ‘formal’ events in America are
Black Tie
For a black tie event, the gentleman should wear the traditional black
with a formal white shirt and a
bow tie and cummerbund.
The folds of the cummerbund should face upward.

If he is wearing a shirt that has the little pointed collar, the points should be on the
of his tie.
If he is wearing a shirt that has a
collar, the bow tie should be on the outside of his collar.

Recently, there have been some innovations to the traditional
of the tuxedo attire.
Bow ties and cummerbunds in various colors or patterns are often worn.
Some gentlemen prefer not to wear a tie at all but prefer to wear a black
at their necks.
These are interesting looks and acceptable for all but the most traditional occasions.

The lady who is going to accompany a gentleman to a black tie event may wear either a long or a short evening gown.  
If she wears gloves, she should remove them when she sits down to eat her meal.

Black Tie Preferred, Black Tie Optional or Black Tie Invited

If the invitation states,
Black Tie Preferred, Black Tie Optional or Black Tie Invited,
a traditional tuxedo is the
choice of attire for the gentleman.
If he decides
to wear a tuxedo, he may wear a dark suit, white dress shirt and conservative tie, which is the next step down from
Black Tie Preferred.
Anything less
than this would be unacceptable at this event!

The lady accompanying a gentleman who is wearing a suit instead of a tuxedo may wear either a short evening gown or a dinner suit.
A dinner suit is a suit that is made of a finer material than a business-suit and may have embellishments on it such as fancy buttons.

Once we go down the scale of attire, we encounter a great deal of confusion in
The term
is not universally understood these days.
Technically, it means different things at different times of the day.

Before 6:00 p.m., the term means that the gentleman should wear a dark suit, white shirt and a conservative tie while the lady who accompanies him should wear a business type of a suit, an afternoon dress or a nice sweater and skirt outfit, but not a fancy
suit. After 6:00 p.m., the term,
means black tie, which is defined above.


Again, this term has different meanings depending on the time of day of the event.
Before 6:00 p.m., the gentleman may wear a sport coat, either light or dark, depending on the weather and the geographic location of the event, with a casual shirt and no tie.For an
event after 6:00 p.m., the gentleman should wear a sport coat with a dress shirt, slacks and tie.
The lady should also be appropriately dressed wearing a nice outfit.
For a
informal event, even though it is held after 6:00 p.m., a gentleman may wear a sport coat, knit shirt, linen slacks and no tie as my husband is wearing here.
A lady may wear a summer dress, slack outfit or a blouse and skirt.
Summer attire is less formal than winter attire.


As you can see from this cartoon, the term,
is the most widely misunderstood of the dress code terms.
When the managers of large corporations, in a somewhat misguided effort to make the work place seem more employee-friendly, decreed that their personnel could wear
attire on Fridays, they were opening a real Pandora’s Box.
The managers had no idea that their employees’ concept of casual was so very different from their own.

Men who had spent their entire careers putting on dark business suits, white dress shirts and ties before going to work, spent their
time wearing sport coats, button-down shirts, v-neck sweaters and dress slacks.
They considered
no tie
to be casual!
The blue-jean craze was something that they did not understand and had not embraced.

When their employees started showing up in the faded, ripped and baggy blue-jeans, that they had salvaged from their college days along with their flip-flops, to wear on casual Friday, the managers were aghast!
There have probably been more company memos created and circulated, as a result of this
misunderstanding of the term ‘casual,’ than for any other more important business item.

Every company has their own version of what it expects and/or will accept as far as
business casual is concerned, so I will only attempt to give you the most common guidelines that have been adopted by major corporations.

Business Casual

Business Casual
at most corporations means that a man may wear a less formal shirt such as a button down cotton shirt or even a collared golf shirt.
He may wear a slack that is not part of a suit, but that would be appropriate to wear with a sport coat.
He may also choose to wear a sport coat.
A tie is not necessary for
business casual.

For a summer business casual look, the man may wear a collared knit shirt with cotton or linen slacks.
A sport coat is not necessary for a business casual look in the summer.
The woman may wear slacks with a blouse or a summer dress to the office.
She may also wear a skirt, either long or reasonably short, and combine it with a blouse.

Blue-jeans are never appropriate attire for a professional business person to wear to an office!!
Thigh high skirts or short shorts are taboo!
Sheer blouses or hooter type sweaters should only be worn to work if you are a
Hooter-girl!! Proper undergarments are also mandatory for a businessperson to wear to an office.
Flip-flops, stiletto heels, tennis shoes, combat boots or bare feet are for Saturdays!!
Baseball hats, whether they’re turned front, sideways or backwards, should be left at home unless, of course, you are going to a baseball game.

Country Club Casual
Most country clubs have very strict dress codes and expect members and guests to comply with them.
To assist the members in informing their guests about the dress code policy, most clubs have printed cards with the dress code rules on them that a member may send to his guest before he or she comes to the club.  
To avoid embarrassment, the members would be wise to get these cards from their respective clubs and to send them out to their guests.

The rules for ladies’ attire are a little less strict, but collared shirts, slacks and Bermudas are always safe and proper for female golfers.

Denim, whether it is used in blue-jeans, jackets, skirts, vests, Bermudas or whatever, is unacceptable in most clubs. Halter tops, short shorts, thigh high skirts,
blouses, baseball caps, combat boots, etc. should
be worn to any country club!

Wedding Attire
Some of the most commonly asked questions that I get are from women asking about wedding attire.
Is it OK to wear black to a wedding?
Can the mother of the bride wear white?
Can I wear the same outfit to the wedding ceremony that I want to wear to the reception?
Etc., etc., etc.

I will attempt to answer some of these questions now.

Wearing black to a wedding ceremony is OK, but remember, in our American culture, black is the traditional color of mourning.
Weddings are
I would wear a color other than black to the wedding ceremony.

Yes, the mother of the bride and the mother of the groom may wear white if the bride has no objections.
Sometimes the bride wants to be the only one in white at the wedding.
She may request that the
mothers, relatives and close friends do not wear white, and hopefully they will comply with her request, but she will have trouble controlling the color of the outfits that other guests wear to her wedding.

Another question that I received from a bride-to-be was whether it was proper for her fiancée’s mother to wear a red dress to the wedding and reception. The bride did not want her future mother-in-law to wear red but apparently this was the woman’s favorite color and she wanted to wear her red dress!

All I can say is that disagreeing about something as silly as clothing is a lousy way to begin a relationship!
Mothers and daughters-in-law have enough trouble getting along without a fight before the wedding.
Each woman should catch her breath and compromise on this.

I, personally, think that red is too loud of a color to wear to a wedding, especially if you are an important part of the wedding such as the mother of the bride or groom.
The wedding is for the bride and groom and all attention should be on them.
Red is an
color and should only be worn when attention
be paid to the wearer.

Clothes that are worn in places of worship, where most wedding ceremonies are held, should be
out of respect for the institution.
In other words, don’t wear a low cut, thigh high, skin-tight dress to the place where the wedding takes place.

If you wish to wear such an outfit to the reception, and your husband or boyfriend has no objection, bring it along and change into it before the reception.

I get some questions from men about what to wear for their weddings, but the rules for men are pretty firm.
If the wedding is going to be
the tuxedo rental shop can guide a man about appropriate attire based on tradition.

Dinner Attire during the Week

If you are going to have dinner in a formal restaurant during the week, a business suit would be appropriate.

Dinner Attire for Saturday Evening

If you are going to a formal restaurant on a Saturday evening, dress up a little!

Attire for Baseball Games, Football games, Rock Concerts, etc.
Wear whatever you want and be happy!!!!
对我笑吧,笑吧,就像你我初次见面 对我说吧,说吧,即使誓言明天就变 享用我吧,现在,人生如此漂泊不定 想起我吧,将来,在你变老的那一年 过去岁月总会过去,有你最后的爱情 过去岁月总会过去,有你最后的温情 所有的光芒都向我涌来 所有的氧气都被我吸光 所有的物体都失去重量 我都快已经走到所有路的尽头

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评论 4

人间四月  曼省名人  发表于 2009-3-10 09:15:40 | 显示全部楼层


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MaryBaby  游客  发表于 2009-3-10 16:42:32 | 显示全部楼层
i find the longer you are working in one place, the less formal it would become!!

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amanda  曼省名人  发表于 2009-3-10 16:52:54 | 显示全部楼层

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shuzi1314  禁止发言  发表于 2009-3-10 17:33:29 | 显示全部楼层
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