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Window Vista如何调整硬盘分区

1472 1
2、任何一个搜索引擎搜索Acronis Partition Expert 2003 Build 282 这个软件,内容都是其他网站转载Vista之家的内容,根本找不到下载地址
3、好不容易在网上找到了Acronis Partition Expert 2003,下载安装后好好的,可是一启动,Vista就蓝屏了,下载版本不兼容Windows Vista。
针对这几个问题,www.vista123.com立即到Acronis的官方网站,查到了Acronis Partition Expert 2003 实际上已经升级了,并且改名为:Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0 。于是Vista之家团队立即下载并测试,操作界面和上篇文章介绍的基本一样,而且,Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0  在官方网站上面已经明确表示,完全支持 Windows Vista, 关于 Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0 的介绍和下载,请到:http://www.vista123.com/vista/457.html 这儿可以下载到最新版(注意:Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0 中文简体汉化版有问题,一定要使用英文版本)。
下面,就新版的Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0 调整硬盘分区的教程,www.vista123.com再次截图示意如下:
1、安装:Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0 的安装和Acronis Partition Expert 2003 的安装过程一样,中间让输入注册码,输入后一直下一步完成安装,然后会提示是否启动计算机,点击确定重新启动。Vista之家还是要可惜一下,这么强的软件,还是英文的,没有简体中文版,英文不好的,大家还是跟着刺客一起往下看截图和分步讲解吧。
2、重启启动计算机后,桌面上会有个“Acronis Disk Director Suite”的图标,双击运行。第一次运行Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0 ,和Acronis Partition Expert 200一样,仍然会提示软件的运行的模式,一种是自动模式(Automatic Mode),就是以向导模式运行,一种是手动模式(Manual Mode),Vista123建议大家使用手动模式,实际操作反而更简单。

3、进入软件的主窗体后,右上角Winzard板块里面有个Increase Free Space,我们就用这个功能来调整C盘,或者其他盘的分区,下面,Vista123姑且用C盘当作例子吧,因为Windows Vista用户大多都是苦恼于C盘的空间不足!
点击Increase Free Space:


5、Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0  会弹出一个窗口,开始locking c盘和f盘,进行硬盘分区锁定,然后,就返回到软件主窗口。
6、看到菜单栏那个旗帜的图标没,就是commit的命令,意思是开始执行。点击之后,根据提示启动计算机。然后Acronis Disk Director Suite 会在进入Window Vista前把你的分区按照你的要求都调整好,非常方便!!
7、Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0究竟好在哪儿?看起来和老版本界面没有变化啊?请看下一篇文章:
【Vista之家原创】Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0正式版下载 http://www.vista123.com/vista/230.html
Vista之家www.vista123.com)特在此附上关于 Partition Expert 10.0 的官方网站介绍:
Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0
Partition Manager

Dividing your hard drive into individual partitions for your operating system, programs, data files, music, and images provides better organization and, most important, much better data safety in the event of a drive crash.
Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0 makes this task a breeze! The suite includes the Acronis Partition Expert product which allows you to automatically or manually merge, split, resize, copy, and move partitions without losing data. It also lets you reorganize the hard disk drive structure, optimize disk space usage and much more.
The easiest partition software for all users
Acronis sets a new partitioning and design standards. Now non-technical PC users can be insulated from the task using goal-oriented wizards, but experienced users can access a wide array of advanced functions. Our exclusive product design includes:
  • Automatic and Manual operating modes for both novices and experts
  • Goal-oriented, wizard-driven automatic partitioning for non-technical users
  • A big number of features with all manual controls for experienced users
Ideal companion product to Acronis True Image.
Together Acronis True Image and Acronis Partition Expert provide comprehensive partition management and system protection. You can create two partitions on your system, one for data and one for applications, using Acronis Partition Expert. Then you can backup your data partition regularly using Acronis True Image scheduler, ensuring that you capture changes to your data. You can also backup your system partition whenever you install new applications or apply new patches.
Acronis exclusive
  • Dual operating mode design
  • FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, Linux Ext2, Ext3, ReiserFS, and Linux SWAP partition support. Special sector-by-sector support for copying and moving partitions of any other type.
Key features
  • New! Split one partition into two and leave your data intact
  • New! Merge two partitions into one and leave your data untouched, even if file systems on the partitions are different
  • New! Explore partition data before performing partitioning operations
  • New! Troubleshoot issues and reasons for failure by viewing logs
  • Resize, copy, and move partitions without losing data*
  • Create and delete partitions of any type
  • Format partitions*
  • Automatically optimize hard disk space usage
  • Convert FAT16 <=> FAT32, Linux Ext2 <=> Ext3 partitions without losing data
  • Change cluster size automatically or manually
  • Browse through the detailed information about all hard disks, partitions and file systems
  • Hide or make visible partitions of any type
  • Preview changes made in partition layout before applying them to disk
  • Support large disks over 180 Gb

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评论 1

癡漢  曼省名人  发表于 2008-9-8 00:36:48 | 显示全部楼层

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