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1999 130
Unscrupulous recruiting practices a hazard to new Manitoba immigrants

Some of the immigrants Manitoba has been recruiting to fill a growing need for skilled workers have fallen victim to a scheme that required them to pay for access to jobs, a practice that is illegal in the province.

It's a situation faced by a group of seven Filipino men, who, after 15 years of driving trucks in Saudi Arabia for about $350 per month, saw an ad in a Saudi newspaper from the Montreal-based immigration consulting firm Mercan Capital Ltd.

"Immigrate to Canada," the ad said, offering "work permits," "high salary" and "great opportunities" for welders, truck drivers, mechanics and others, as well as "permanent residency" and "1,000s of jobs" for technicians, teachers, engineers administrators and other professionals.

"All Filipinos dream to work in Canada because of a little bit higher salary," said one of the men, who asked that his identity not be revealed out of fear of repercussions.

Once they landed the jobs in Manitoba, which has the highest rate of immigration in Canada, the men were told they had to sign a contract in which they agreed to pay $5,000 in fees directly to the recruiting company.

Men racked up $9,000 in debt
After arriving in Winnipeg six months ago and paying the initial fee, the seven truckers had so little money between them that the local Filipino community donated food to them.

Mercan Capital Ltd. then told them they'd have to pay even more.

"After you pay the $5,000, you have to bring extra money to pay for the school for driving," said another of the men.

The men's debts each reached more than $9,000.

There are several problems with the contracts the men signed, according to Ken Zaifman, a Winnipeg immigration lawyer.

The men were charged a recruitment fee, which is illegal under Manitoba's Employment Services Act.

In addition, the contract includes clauses saying if the job ends before two years are up, the men are on the hook for $5,000 more — and if they discuss the terms of the contract with anyone, they could have to pay $2,500.

While neither of those clauses are illegal, Zaifman said he questions their enforceability.

"To me, the intention is more to intimidate than as a legal remedy," he said. "I would be surprised if a court would uphold these provisions, and I would be very surprised if any consultant would want this contract to see the light of day in court."

Recruiting company will refund fees
Jerry Morgan, president of Mercan Capital Ltd., acknowledged to CBC News that some of the contracts' terms are considered illegal under employment legislation.

The company no longer uses those methods, he said.

One Mercan Capital employee was responsible for the recruiting effort that brought the seven men to Manitoba, Morgan said, and the person has since been fired.

The seven truck drivers were not the only people who signed such contracts, Morgan said, adding that he had been caught off-guard by the situation. The company could use more controls, he conceded.

Morgan has agreed to refund any money that was spent by the workers, as is required by the Employment Services Act.

However, it wasn't until CBC News contacted Mercan Capital that efforts were made to make payments to the seven workers; previously, the company had made no effort to contact the truckers in Winnipeg, the men said.

While they are working for different companies now, the men have little left to live on, they said, and far less than they had imagined to send home to their families in the Philippines.

Any other workers who fell victim to the recruiting scheme are also eligible for a refund.
对我笑吧,笑吧,就像你我初次见面 对我说吧,说吧,即使誓言明天就变 享用我吧,现在,人生如此漂泊不定 想起我吧,将来,在你变老的那一年 过去岁月总会过去,有你最后的爱情 过去岁月总会过去,有你最后的温情 所有的光芒都向我涌来 所有的氧气都被我吸光 所有的物体都失去重量 我都快已经走到所有路的尽头

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评论 10

dreameet  曼省名人  发表于 2008-3-18 20:11:31 | 显示全部楼层
OMG~~~哪里都是人了~~~希望有生之年可以移民到月球=    =.
一个人要看过几次爱凋谢 才甘心在孤独里冬眠。。。

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chengle  贵宾  发表于 2008-3-18 20:31:00 | 显示全部楼层

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妍妍  曼省名人  发表于 2008-3-18 20:51:41 | 显示全部楼层
对我笑吧,笑吧,就像你我初次见面 对我说吧,说吧,即使誓言明天就变 享用我吧,现在,人生如此漂泊不定 想起我吧,将来,在你变老的那一年 过去岁月总会过去,有你最后的爱情 过去岁月总会过去,有你最后的温情 所有的光芒都向我涌来 所有的氧气都被我吸光 所有的物体都失去重量 我都快已经走到所有路的尽头

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阿周  游客  发表于 2008-3-18 21:32:50 | 显示全部楼层
The men were charged a recruitment fee, which is illegal under Manitoba\'s Employment Services Act.

梦想成就未来,态度决定人生 http://70075198.qzone.qq.com/

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Lionheart  曼省名人  发表于 2008-3-18 22:20:40 | 显示全部楼层

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妍妍  曼省名人  发表于 2008-3-19 13:05:31 | 显示全部楼层
对我笑吧,笑吧,就像你我初次见面 对我说吧,说吧,即使誓言明天就变 享用我吧,现在,人生如此漂泊不定 想起我吧,将来,在你变老的那一年 过去岁月总会过去,有你最后的爱情 过去岁月总会过去,有你最后的温情 所有的光芒都向我涌来 所有的氧气都被我吸光 所有的物体都失去重量 我都快已经走到所有路的尽头

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阿周  游客  发表于 2008-3-20 04:50:58 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 妍妍 于 2008-3-19 13:05 发表

梦想成就未来,态度决定人生 http://70075198.qzone.qq.com/

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蝴蝶的翅膀  曼省名人  发表于 2008-3-20 14:46:34 | 显示全部楼层
找工作是免费的, 帮助移民就是合法收费。 
蝴蝶是花的灵魂, 回来寻找她的前身...

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阿周  游客  发表于 2008-3-20 22:27:13 | 显示全部楼层
去试试老外的Placement Agency,都是免费帮忙找工作的,无论是移民、公民还是国际学生
梦想成就未来,态度决定人生 http://70075198.qzone.qq.com/

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