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昨天看到一篇文章:How come I'm not rich? 觉得蛮有意思,想跟朋友们(尤其是想发财的哈)分享一下。
文章开头就说,在加拿大50个人里就有一个是百万富翁,在美国每13个人里就有一个。我不知道,这里的“百万”包括了哪些部分,但这个数据还是出乎我的意料,真的有种“The Millionaire Next Door”的感觉。而且,这些富人中的绝大多数(94%)都是靠自己的努力创造的财富而不是靠继承。
“We have found that the maindifference between the wealthy and people that struggle financially is nottheir education, career, salary, type of family or anything like that. The maindifference is the way they think about money.”(倍感欣慰,看来我还有点希望)
“Here is the secret: Wealthy peopleare focused on building wealth。”

作者认为有3条主要原因造成大多数人struggle financially :
1.You should try to look like you are wealthy.
“If you sense someone is trying toimpress you by looking wealthy, he is almost definitely not wealthy.He isprobably just a spender. Wealthy people usually downplay their wealth. It isthe non-wealthy that try to impress others with money.”(有小小不平衡的时候,看到这句话,心里会好受很多哈)“Mostmillionaires live in ordinary neighbourhoods and few people know they aremillionaires。They get afeeling of confidence from having money – not from spending money.(我生活简朴,但肯定不是哈)
2. It is most important to pay off debt.
“无债一身轻”的人呢,往往都不是有钱人。()“ wealthypeople are focused on building their net worth – not on paying off debt.”“Wealthy people tend to have a lot more debt than non-wealthy people.” “In fact, borrowing to invest in their business or in the stockmarket is almost always the reason they are wealthy.”(太对了,我的一李姓男同学就是这样发达的,佩服)
3. The stock market is risky.
“股市有风险,投资需谨慎”,好多人都害怕投资在股票市场。“ Theybelieve the stock market is a gamble and crashes all the time, instead offocusing on the long term growth of the stock market.”“Here’s the point: If you are scared to have a large stock marketportfolio, then how will you ever build wealth?”(嗯,我的眼光要放长远些,不能被眼前的困难吓倒,尽管小凡同学是在经济危机前入市的,但前途是光明的!)
那作者建议我们如何做呢?Think Like the Wealthy.
“The good news about this (我喜欢good news) is that you can change the way youthink about money. ”能有多少人是含着金钥匙出生的呢?“But since it is primarily a result of what you believe about money,it is within your control.”
Here is how the wealthy think about money
根据作者的经验呢,穷人的大多数钱都用在消费品上,比方说车。中产阶级的人呢会把大多数钱用在他们的房子或其他不动产上。而“Wealthy people have the bulk of their wealth in their business or inthe stock market (many businesses). That is why they are wealthy.”“Wealthy people are also usuallyprudent with their investments, but the big difference is that they save a lotand are focused on investments they expect to grow long term, instead ofinvestments that fluctuate less short term. They tend to be confident ininvestments because they are optimistic about the future – not fearful andpessimistic about short term risk.”(看来保持乐观对投资也很重要,射手座的朋友是不是更容易发财?)
The reason they are multi-millionaires is that they have millionsinvested in their business or in the stock market. Wealthy people are wealthybecause they are focused on building wealth. (啊,所以说越有钱的人就越有钱啊)
1.They are usually frugal and good savers (not big spenders).
2.They are focused on building their net worth (not paying offdebt).
3.They are generally optimistic about the future (not fearful andpessimistic).
4.They are focused on long term wealth-building investments (notshort term risk).
Learn to think like the wealthy and you can become one of them.
理财顾问 提供全面保险,投资服务 用加拿大的理财方式,为中国人创造财富! 124 Nature Park Way, Tuxedo Business Park Winnipeg, Manitoba R3P 0X7 手机:(204)952-1512 Website: www.leiren.ca Email: lei.ren@f55f.com

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